GSUSA Homepage Redesign

gsusa homepage redesign

GraduateSchool was part of an acquisition and our goal was to quickly improve the site UX. My team worked with our design team to mock up the site. As with many projects, this project was under an extremely tight deadline. Check out the before and after screenshots for an understanding. Read more

AMU/APU Brand Landing Pages

apus branded landing pages - B2B and B2C

The landing page environment build was a crowning achievement. Not only is this built completely custom by a talented developer on my team. It’s also a scalable solution that has grown from B2C to include a B2B component. These landing pages are responsible for driving 90% of the organizations PPC leads. Read more

AMU/APU Edge Websites

amuedge website

Once upon a time, the Universities content marketing spanned 15+ different domains. Several of these had duplicate content which applied to several audiences. To reduce the negative impact, and make the environment scalable all WordPress databases were combined into a single shared database across only 2 domains. Additionally, several UX changes resulted in a 30% increase in leads from this content environment. Read more

Digital Documents LLC Corporate Website

digitial documents corporate website

Digital Documents LLC is a small business that provides document scanning services for government contractors. The goal was to modernize the site by incorporating a CMS and re-designing the aesthetic. This led to an increase in leads. Read more